North Kensington Programme 2024-29: Developing a community-led recovery

Working together to decide what future health services and support should look like for those affected by the Grenfell Tower Fire.

In April 2023 NHS North West London and NHS England confirmed its ongoing commitment to making sure that the right services are in place to meet the health needs of communities affected by the Grenfell Tower Fire in North Kensington in the long term.

The North Kensington Recovery team now wants to work collaboratively with everyone in the local community, to gather your views on what health services and support you need for the next five years. As part of this process we have produced a ‘Next steps’ document, which reviews all our previous discussions, and makes suggestions for how services might look in the future.

You can find the Next Steps document and supporting documents here.

The changes have not been finalised, agreed or approved, so we welcome the views of all residents, especially those groups we don’t normally hear from (children and young people, people from diverse communities, as well as the views of parents and individuals with disabilities and learning disabilities, etc) so we can draw a new plan which contains your contributions.

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On behalf of the North Kensington Recovery Programme, we look forward to hearing from you and would like to thank you in advance for your help.