Our commitment to the community of North Kensington
We join the North Kensington community in commemorating two years since the Grenfell Tower fire, and in remembering the 72 lives lost on 14 June 2017. Those who have been affected are many and include friends and family who are living across the UK and abroad.
We recognise that this will be a difficult time for the community and would like to remind everyone that trained staff are available and ready to listen. Please do not hesitate to reach out for confidential support if needed, the number to call is 0800 0234 650.
We also recognise that the local community and voluntary groups in the area have played a crucial role in supporting health and well-being, providing opportunities for friends and neighbours to connect and talk. These groups offer a lifeline for many and we will continue to work in partnership to support their work, whilst developing the NHS services for the North Kensington community.
We re-iterate our commitment to continue to listen and learn from collective and individual experiences, and to continue to work with local people, voluntary and faith groups to hear the community voice. We recognise and understand that the community is diverse, and that NHS services need to take this into account to inform how services are developed.
On behalf of NHS West London CCG, we join the community in commemoration and that our thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
Dr Andrew Steeden, Chair and Louise Proctor, Managing Director
NHS West London CCG