NHS Enhanced Health Checks offered at new locations in North Kensington
The NHS is offering Enhanced health checks once again at community sites in North Kensington, initially starting with the St Charles Health and Wellbeing centre.
The Enhanced Health Check offers a longer appointment with a dedicated clinician to check your health and well-being. The checks are designed to identify any areas where further treatment, self-care or support may be needed. You can also discuss any physical health concerns which you haven't had the opportunity to do so throughout the pandemic.
Dr Meena Nathan,
“We want to offer as much convenience as possible for people to take up this opportunity to have a thorough check of their health and there is no better time than the start of the year.
“Some people will want to see their usual GP for this service whereas others may want more flexibility in terms of where and when they go for the check. We’re now delighted to be able to offer both options and make this service more accessible to more people”.
The checks were introduced as a response to health concerns in the community following Grenfell and number of specialist services are available for referral should any health matter need further investigation following the check.
Appointments can be booked by calling 0208 102 5109, or you can email for a call back nhsnwlccg.grenfellenhancedhealth@nhs.net, offices are open 9-6pm Monday to Friday You can also call your GP practice and they can book you in at the practice or a community site.
More community sites will be announced very soon on our website.
Physical Health
- Physical examination of chest as appropriate
- Oxygen saturation
- Smoking cessation intervention
- Blood testing if indicated
Mental Health
- Anxiety screening
- Depression screening
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) screening
- Insomnia/sleep review
- Alcohol use screening
- Substance misuse Any concerns identified from this initial assessment will result in an onward referral to specialist mental health and therapeutic services.
Lifestyle & health promotion
- Weight
- Body mass index
- Blood pressure and pulse
- Ensuring you are up to date with current NHS cancer screening programmes on offer.
- Physical activity reviews with onward referral to gyms, personal trainer, etc.
- Dietary review with onward referral to various weight loss management programmes.
- Health advice around dental and eye care - Bloods tests - to assess conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, thyroid function test and renal function if indicated.