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Change4Life Clubs this summer

Published on: Friday 13 August 2021

Is the vaccine for me? COVID-19 vaccine discussion for young adults

Published on: Friday 30 July 2021

Festival of Activity and Wellbeing - 31st July

Published on: Thursday 29 July 2021

A new app to support you in managing health conditions or general wellbeing

A new app to support you in managing health conditions or general wellbeing. North West London CCG, in partnership with ORCHA, has launched a Health and Care Apps Library, which contains hundreds of independently reviewed apps to meet your needs. You can visit the library at nwlhealthapps.orcha.co.uk.

Published on: Wednesday 14 July 2021

Phase 2 Environmental checks around Grenfell Tower: Health

Information on the NHS health services available in North Kensington if required following publications of the soil toxicity report.

Published on: Monday 12 July 2021