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Health & Wellbeing strategy refresh

Published on: Thursday 22 September 2022

Our journey to Cultural Competency

Our work on cultural competence began when local communities and those impacted by the Grenfell Tower fire shared with us their experiences, concerns and views on how services could be made more culturally relevant.

Published on: Thursday 22 September 2022

What is Cultural Competency?

Cultural competence describes a set of aligned and transparent skills, attitudes and principles that acknowledge, respect and work together as a system towards optimal interactions between individuals and the various cultural and ethnic groups within a community.

Published on: Thursday 22 September 2022

Walk-in service at St Charles Urgent Care Centre re-opens

Published on: Tuesday 6 September 2022


We have several bespoke courses delivered by expert trainers to help you acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to work effectively in cross cultural settings. The learning is delivered face to face and is designed to be highly inter-active.

Published on: Wednesday 24 August 2022