Personal Health Assessment for survivors who escaped Grenfell Tower after 1.28am: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The personal health assessment has been developed to assess and monitor the impact of Grenfell Tower adult residents who escaped from the Tower on the night of the fire after 1.28am who may have had more exposure to smoke and dust.
This is a one off personal health assessment appointment and ongoing care and support will be provided by survivors own GP practice and wider NHS services.
This is part of our long term plans to look after your health.
What is a Personal Health Assessment?
A Personal Health Assessment is a personalised discussion providing an opportunity for an in-depth discussion between patient and clinician regarding their health and any future health concerns they may have.
Appointments for a PHA will be scheduled for up to an hour, and on the day the patient will have access to support from a phlebotomist (who can offer blood tests), if necessary, to facilitate a “one stop shop” style approach and arrange any tests or investigations that are required.
How is a Personal Health Assessment different from an Enhanced Health Check?
Some key differences are:
- Extended appointment time: EHCs are usually scheduled for 35 minutes. Personal Health Assessments will be up to 60 minutes to allow patients more of an opportunity to discuss their concerns in detail.
- Ability to arrange a range of tests either in hospital or during the consultation: A range of tests will be available during health checks, as identified by the individual’s health needs.
Who will carry out the personal health assessment?
You will be able to choose to have your assessment with a local GP or a private healthcare provider (to be confirmed). Both options will provide the same health assessments and onward referral to NHS specialist services if further investigations are needed.
Why should you attend?
This is an opportunity to address any concerns you may have. It will take the form of a fuller assessment of your health with a doctor.
You may additionally gain insights into your own risk of getting ill from things like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease through discussion with the GP.
This assessment offers:
- Up to a 60 minute appointment with a GP to discuss any health concerns you have and perform necessary tests
- Early detection of potential health issues, with referrals for further investigations or treatment if required
- Healthcare advice and a plan to identify risk factors and make lifestyle changes to improve your future health.
Where will the health assessment take place?
- St Charles Centre for Health and Wellbeing for NHS GP-led assessments
- London Doctors Clinic Kensington, The Royal Garden Hotel, 2-24 Kensington High Street, London, W8 4PT for private health assessments.
What happens if a blood test is abnormal?
In the event of an abnormal blood test result a clinician will contact the patient to inform them of the findings. It may be that the patient will be known to other services such as the respiratory long term monitoring clinics, and the results would be relevant to them. If so, the appropriate clinician will be contacted and a joint management plan can be made. After discussing the results and the rationale for any further investigations with the patient their GP should be informed. Further investigations or onward referrals will follow usual pathways based on clinical urgency.
What will be done with the information gathered?
Personal identifiable information gathered will not be shared publicly. Information gathered will be stored on the patient’s usual GP records and kept as part of their electronic health record. Additionally, information may be shared with other healthcare organisations such if referrals are made for further services. This is the standard information sharing protocol.
An analysis of the overall results of the Personal Health Assessments will take place so that we can assess if there are any health themes occurring. This may be publically reported but will not identify any individuals.
Will every patient get exactly the same services from the assessment?
The core offer available is the same for every patient. However, this will be tailored to individuals based on specific health need and discussions between the GP and the patient. For example, a non-smoker would not be referred to a smoking cessation clinic and not every patient would be offered a cervical smear.
How do I choose between the NHS and private offer?
You can choose to have your Personal Health Assessment from a NHS or private provider as follows:
- NHS West London GP Federation at St Charles Hospital
- London Doctors Clinic (private provider)
To assist you in making your choice, we have circulated information leaflets from both providers.
How to book an appointment?
Once you have decided who you would like to provide your Personal Health Assessment, you can book your appointment through the Grenfell Health & Well Being Service (GHWS) Dedicated Service as follows:
- Email:
- Tel: 020 8637 6279 (Everyday 8am to 8pm)
What happens after your appointment?
The GP who completes your health assessment will put the things you’ve agreed and discussed into a personal care plan. Where further specialist testing is required, or if you require the support of another NHS service, a referral will be made for you to access those services.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss the Personal Health Assessment please email
What is the service for Children and young people (under 18)?
There is an existing service for children, who are currently offered long term monitoring with a NHS consultant paediatrician. Additional tests will be incorporated into that appointment as needed and there is no need to book a further Personal Assessment for children. Families who have not yet taken up the offer of paediatric long term monitoring for their children are welcome to do so. If you need help doing this speak to your GP or email